
What You Should Know About Us

Cre8ive Co

Adding Value Since 2008

Creative Communities is about a few basic, simple concepts. In general, to help organizations reduce costs, save time, increase value, and achieve better ROI on enterprise-scale initiatives.

Firstly, to reduce costs and save time we focus on delivery efficiency. For instance, do any participants struggle with requirements, design, development, testing, deployment, or overall management?  If so, then we can improve upon the existing approach, or introduce proven techniques where appropriate.

Secondly, to increase value and ROI we focus on effectiveness. For example, are folks stuck in the weeds? Alternatively, are they finding it difficult to determine, or communicate, what exactly is going on? On balance, is "perfect" getting in the way of "better"? In like fashion, is there too much analysis, without delivering value to customers? Similarly, is timely, consistent deployment a frequent challenge?  Finally, are folks losing sight of TCO?  In these cases, we can help you focus on what's important, and avoid what is not.

Indeed, an independent, outside perspective often provides significant bang for the buck. In fact, we can help all stakeholders, refocus their efforts towards achievable objectives.

KISS – an acronym which seems to be losing its relevance.

Of course, large-scale programs which may involve hundreds of people, internal and external stakeholders, teams around the world, and millions of dollars’ worth of equipment or services are never 'simple'.

However, they shouldn’t be any more complex than needed.

Simplicity at Work

Of course, there are reasons for organizational design, roles and responsibilities, as well as ownership and accountability.

In effect, large-scale initiatives are a team sport. Accordingly, teams need coaches who understand the game. Moreover, they need players trained and equipped to play their position. Ideally, they also require a playbook built for success.

If any of these are lacking, then what should be simple can, in truth, become quite chaotic.

Basically, we believe seeking simplicity is a key enabler for clients to receive their best results. Accordingly, clients rely on us to address unnecessary complexity. Thereafter, to work with stakeholders to parcel-out clear roles, responsibilities, processes, and guidance. It's about a design which contributes to overall objectives.

In fact, we strive not only to perform our role well, but to facilitate productivity improvements across the initiative. In many cases, this involves coaching, process design, planning, and other enablers.

A Focus on the Big Picture

Regardless of the role, our objective is to address our client's 'Big Picture'.  That is, to enable participants to define and deliver objectives and anticipated value. Basically, it's about ensuring the right people, do the right things, at the right time.

To that end, we variously fulfill roles with titles such as: Enterprise Architect; Solution Architect; Solution Designer; Program Director; PMO Member; Independent Advisor; Quality Assurance, or Management Consultant.  Of course, the title is not important.  However, a role with broad access and influence, along with proper executive support, best enables our ability to provide value.

Business and IT leaders have more on their plate than ever. For instance, enterprise-level initiatives need constant oversight. Moreover, there are always opportunities for improvement. Furthermore, each can benefit from risk mitigation.

  • On the one hand, as a Trusted Advisor to IT and/or Business sponsors and stakeholders, we provide an independent perspective along with educated, experienced judgement and advice.
  • On the other hand, when acting as a coach for Directors and Managers, we can provide the guidance, tools, process, and methods to instill delivery capabilities for the initiative at hand, as well as for related or subsequent initiatives.
  • Alternatively, as an architect or advisor, we can provide hands-on, tactical answers to address strategic problems.
Cre8ive Co

Core Values




Attention to detail

Cre8ive Co

What Makes us Special

To begin, our ability to break down extremely large, complicated and/or complex objectives into simple, manageable directives.

Additionally, our ability to facilitate collaboration and improve productivity across myriad IT, business, and vendor stakeholders.

In general, our ability to push beyond theory to execute and deliver practical, fit for purpose solutions.

Finally, enabling individuals, teams, and organizations to produce better results in less time, and with lower TCO.

Reasons to Choose Creative Comunities

Value for Money

We have knowledge and experience comparable to larger professional firms, but at a much lower cost to you.


Above all, we are dedicated professionals whose aim is to achieve your goals and enable your success.


To emphasize, we have no ulterior motives, no up-selling, and no conflicting interests.

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